
ÌÇÐÄSwag Sustainability Institute

Close-up of solar panels

The ÌÇÐÄSwag Sustainability Institute is committed to tackling the causes of climate change. The impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are amongst the greatest threats to public health, the global economy and biodiversity. 

The aim is to make our ÌÇÐÄSwagaccessible to all and bring tangible benefits at a global, national and local scale in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation as we work towards a low-carbon future through the active decarbonisation of the built environment, industry and physical infrastructure. 

Additionally, we aim to drive collaborative climate and sustainability-related ÌÇÐÄSwagthat has a real impact. The Institute will utilise the strengths of its researchers from within our schools and external partners to drive forward our ÌÇÐÄSwagfocus. 


We will build an expert team within the ÌÇÐÄSwag of ÌÇÐÄSwag that will lead innovation and transformative multidisciplinary science that enables sustainable use of the Earth’s resources and that supports our regional and global communities to achieve Net Zero emissions 


To contribute to, and lead on, quality research, training, and innovation towards effective action on climate change, sustainable use of resources and a healthy environment. 


The Institute’s ÌÇÐÄSwagis centred on three key themes that span a range of emerging ÌÇÐÄSwagdisciplines and pressing urban and rural sustainability challenges: 

  • Green Infrastructure 

  • Sustainable Healthy Communities 

  • Energy and Resource Management 

Underpinning the themes is our commitment to translate the work to be useful to everyone. 

The Institute promotes applied ÌÇÐÄSwagopportunity and knowledge exchange capability through its existing ÌÇÐÄSwagprojects, demonstration, and testing facilities including the new Ecolab Living Laboratory.  

ÌÇÐÄSwag Susitainability Institute Research Theme Diagram

Find out more about our ÌÇÐÄSwagthemes

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Introduction to the Institute

Research Fellows

Research Fellows

Our People

Professor Darryl Newport

Darryl Newport (Professor of Energy and Sustainable Development) is the Director of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Sustainability Institute at the ÌÇÐÄSwag of ÌÇÐÄSwag, UK.

Darryl Newport staff profile photo

Dr Alison Pooley

Alison will be leading the Sustainable Healthy Communities theme within the ÌÇÐÄSwag Sustainability Institute.

Alison Pooley staff profile photo

Dr Hannah Steventon

Hannah is a Research Fellow in the ÌÇÐÄSwag Sustainability Institute leading on Green Infrastructure.

Hannah Steventon staff profile photo

Jo Durham

Jo is a Research Institute Administrator


Ufuoma Egbegbedia

Ufuoma is an Environmental and Sustainability Analyst with experience in environmental impact assessment, and corporate social responsibility.

Ufuoma Egbegbedia staff profile photo

  • Dr Chris Tuppen - Visiting Professor of Sustainability

  • Prof William Pope - Visiting Professor of Bio-enterprise & Health

  • Dr Helen Bailey - Visiting Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials & Engineering 

  • Prof Christopher Gorse - Visiting Professor of Construction and Project Management 
  • Katherine West - Visiting Senior Fellow in Research Methods and Environmental Ethics

  • Prof Lloyd Scott - Visiting Professor of Sustainability

  • Dr Peter Bryant

    Visiting Senior Fellow in Environmental and Energy Research

  • Paul DiMambro - Visiting Senior Fellow in Social Value and Impact (Sustainability)
  • Dr Michael High - Visiting Senior Fellow in Environment and Energy Research
  • Dr Mike Lawrence - Visiting Professor of Sustainable Materials Engineering
  • Eric Zie - Visiting Professor of Digital and ICT Sustainability
  • Dr Stephen Roast - Visiting Senior Fellow in Environmental and Energy Research


  • Dr Bamdad Ayati 

  • Dr Aurore Julien 

  • Dr Mike Medas 

  • Dr Pauline Georgio 

  • Prof Mohamed Abdel-Maguid 

  • Dr Lewis Walsh 

  • Prof Mike Lawrence 

  • Prof Naresh Pandit 

  • Prof Chris Cheeseman 

  • Prof Yu Xiong 

Details coming soon

Get in Touch

If you would like more information on our ÌÇÐÄSwagor to explore collaborative opportunities, please do get in touch with the Institute Director, Prof Darryl Newport: research@uos.ac.uk 

Events and News

Upcoming events and latest news from within the ÌÇÐÄSwag Stainability Institute.

Find out more
Close-up of a hedgehog house

Case Studies

Businesses in ÌÇÐÄSwag and Norfolk can ‘BEE’ greener and save money for free, thanks to Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia project. European funding was approved just in the nick of time to help Norfolk and ÌÇÐÄSwag businesses become greener and cut their energy costs.

The project BEE Anglia is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered across the region through a partnership of Groundwork, Norfolk County Council, NWES and ÌÇÐÄSwag County Council.

The project has three core offers that have been designed to help businesses reduce carbon and save money using independent advice (FREE Energy reviews), grant funding (up to £20,000) and recognition for their efforts (Carbon Charter accreditation).

So far Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia have awarded £145,000 in grant funding for various energy efficiency projects (totalling £536,000) including radiant heating, vehicle tracking, wood burner and lighting.  The scope for grant funding has been widened to enable ANY energy efficiency measure to be considered.  Approval will be based on being able to demonstrate sufficient associated energy savings.

To date the project has reviewed 463 organisations and identified cost savings of £2,751,597 (£5,943 per business), and carbon savings of 25,042t (54t per business).  The savings identified are the equivalent of 7,442 flights from London to Sydney.

“Without the funding from BEE Anglia we wouldn’t have been able to afford the extra cost of installing energy saving equipment and LED lighting. Our aim is to grow the company without having any increased impact on the environment. Implementing these energy saving techniques has helped us achieve this goal”

Alasdair Gordon, Operations Director, Kiezebrink

If your organisation is interested in the service, register your interest  or call Groundwork on 01473 350370. Dedicated advisors will be able to answer any queries about eligibility for the programme or potential grant projects.

Additional Information

A student leaning against a window